Learn All The Walks, Turns And Poses That Top Pageant Winners Know To Own The Stage With Confidence!


Anyone can learn how to rock the runway EVEN if you have no modeling background or it's your first pageant!

You Can Learn the Pageant Runway Walk So You Can Step Onto EVERY Stage with Confidence....

  • Imagine what it would be like if you could...Rock the Runway in every phase of competition!

  • How would it feel if you had...the exact poses, turns, and walking techniques top competitors use to choreograph their walks.

  • How would it feel to start...commanding the attention of the judges as you glide across the stage.

  • Imagine what it would be like if you could... confidently strut into pageant orientation knowing you are walking like a true queen.

The problem is… It takes HOURS of Practice to Nail the Walk!

  • You don’t know who to hire to train you - on your schedule, in your location, at your budget. You are afraid you’ll look silly at your first appointment or waste tons of time just talking about what shoes to wear. 

  • You feel you’d spend an hour just learning the basics and never get to the advanced turns and poses. 

  • You have tried learning from the free YouTube videos, but you can seem to find all the elements you need to really apply the techniques to your body. 

  • You are too busy to fit an in-person walking session into your schedule that’s already packed with work, kids events and community obligations.

  • You know you’d have to spend $1,000’s on repetitive in-person sessions to practice enough to feel confident on stage. 

  • The Pageant Walk you’ve seen others do seems ‘out of your league’ and every time you’ve tried it, it just doesn’t work for you.

Learning to Perfect Your Pageant Walk is like discovering a gorgeous, sparkly, confident box of pink Legos…

Once you have the pieces, you can build your own design!

Let me explain… 

Literally ANYONE can have a Unique, “WOW”, Stand-Out Pageant Walk

The basics of posture, turns, poses and walking are really more like a framework that you apply to your own body. Once you know the mechanics, you can use a mirror and videos for feedback to make sure the techniques look GREAT on your own body. 

You don’t want to look like a cookie-cutter knock-off of all the other girls in your pageant.

Top walking coaches don’t teach every single girl to do the exact same thing - that’s what makes gals all look ‘cookie-cutter’ on stage (like, “why are they all doing that weird thing with their arm?”). What top trainers do is teach each of the fundamental pieces (like that Miss USA turn you love! And the Bam-Bam-Bam that captivates you) and then you apply them to your own style over time and rehearsal.

You’ll Need to Revisit the Basics Over and Over for Each New Stage and Phase of Competition

Walking training requires HOURS of rehearsal for your body to memorize the motions. Even though learning the basics can only take an hour or so, the time spent working on it and applying it to your own style (the design) takes days and weeks of rehearsal. Even if you did an in-person session to learn the basics, you’d still have to spend hours, days, weeks practicing it. Of course, all of that practice can be done on your own while you’re making dinner and grocery shopping - but if you’re practicing the wrong technique then you’ll only reinforce bad habits.

In-Person Coaching Requires Schedules to Align (over and over!)

Most pageant women don’t have the time to travel to an in-person session. And even if you did, it could take 3-5 hours of practice before you were able to put all the pieces together (that gets expensive!). Most pageant women pay $500-$1,000 to learn the basics then practice them for months and use the pieces they’ve learned to apply to the stage and walking patterns when they get to the pageant. 

How do I know all of this?.... 

Cuz I'd be asking that too...

Hi! I'm Alycia...

...International Pageant Coach to over 2,000 women ages 18-70+ and founder of Win A Pageant Academy.

After working with some of the top pageant runway trainers I discovered they really all use the same techniques over and over. What makes them so amazing to watch on stage is how they APPLY these principles to create a super unique delivery of their own techniques on stage - with unshakable confidence. 

When I created the Win A Pageant Academy, I hired a team of coaches who have competed around the world in systems like Mrs. International, Miss USA, Miss America, Petite, Corporate America, International Summit, USA National Miss, International United Miss and more.

And this is my team of coaches...

These women have also worked with many walking coaches around the world (yes, world!) and still their own unique styles are what make their individual walk so “WOW”, so captivating and so…well…unique!

We realized that many women WANT to learn these techniques, but simply can’t afford the high costs of travel and time away from family and career that’s needed to learn these techniques. Plus, the real gold isn’t in learning the specific techniques, but knowing HOW to apply them to your individual body.

So, we put together a resource for women to access around the world, at any time day or night, to be able to learn these coveted techniques and apply them to your body to DESIGN Your Own Unique Style of pageant walking and posing like the pros!

You NEED a Step-by-Step Training Program that will teach you to Perfect Your Pageant Walk

Step-by-Step Explanation of Each Technique...

So that you can see the mechanics of every layer from posture to posting and walks to turns. These techniques need to ensure you are floating on stage no matter what the runway looks like. 

Video Examples in Rehearsal and On-Stage...

So you can see the same techniques in action on different bodies, different sizes, shapes, and ages of women competing in a variety of systems.

Access to On-Demand Videos...

So you can watch them over and over, anytime, anywhere on your own schedule - maybe while the baby is sleeping or after the kids go to bed - and when you need to recall that one little note about where your knees should be pointing, you’ll be able to go back to the videos over and over again without additional cost. 

This is why I'm excited to introduce you to...


OWN THE STAGE is an online video training program for pageant women that want to perfect their pageant walk, turns, and poses - and own the stage with confidence every time!

Full of fun, follow-along training videos, OWN THE STAGE will show you how to master the techniques for walks, turns and poses that top pageant contestants combine to use in every phase of competition.

Get Instant Access To...

1. Video Trainings of Specific Turns, Poses and Walking Techniques... so you can apply them to every area of competition - from interview to runway, you’ll have the judges captivated! 

2. Variety of Styles from Multiple Coaches... so you can discover which style most resonates with you. You’ll see how the same principles apply to many different bodies and how this can work for you, too!

3. Mix & Match All the Techniques... so you can stop looking cookie-cutter and start to own the stage with your own, unique, jaw-dropping, stand-out style! 

4. Where & How to Practice... So your body begins to lock in these CORRECT habits to move this new graceful, poised, fierce way naturally in your daily life (even in the grocery store or at work!)

Unlike time-intensive and costly in-person training… 

Own the Stage allows you to learn at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home so you can master each technique before showing it off to the world!  

OWN THE STAGE is is created by a team of pageant coaches who know how important it is to walk into EVERY phase of competition with un-matched CONFIDENCE. 

Unlike in-person training that leave you rushed, overwhelmed and without follow-up support…we will be with you to revisit anytime you need a refresher!

OWN THE STAGE will dramatically reduce your overwhelm and confusion and quickly, help you design your OWN unique style. 

What's Included in



💫 On-Demand Videos 💫

Comprehensive, Step-by-Step Videos available immediately that you can watch over and over on your own schedule to improve your walk on - and off stage - forever. 

💫 Follow-Along Instructions 💫

Each video contains follow-along step-by-step instructions specifically created to teach you the elements and style of every basic and advanced move. You’ll learn the mechanics of every element of stage presentation including posture, walking, turns, posing, mindset and more! 

💫 Real Life Examples 💫

You’ll see examples of different people doing these moves so you see how each technique can be personalized to you.

💫 Pageant Week Checklist 💫

 You’ll also get a detailed checklist of each of the posture, walk, turns and poses you learned to be able to easily plug them right into your choreography during pageant week. 1-2-3... its that easy!


Discover Your Own Confident, Unique Pageant Walk with Turns and Poses to “WOW” the Judges

Total Value: $997.00

Original Price: $497.00

Get It Right Now

JUST $27!


Still have questions?

How long do I have access?

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course - across any and all devices you own. We call it "Lifetime Access" - as long as the course is 'alive', you have access, 24/7.

How do I access the videos?

After you confirm your purchase, you'll receive an email to the email address you gave at checkout. That email will have a link to login to the online portal where all the videos are waiting for you. You'll get instant access to all the tutorials as soon as you buy the program!

How long will this take?

Each training video is short-and-sweet so you can

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